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This gives cheat most wanted black ps2 bahasa indonesia 10, 000 extra cash.Extra MoneyPress Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Square at the main menu.Unlimited SpeedbreakerPress Down, Right(2), Left, Right, Up, Down, Square at the title screen.Easy MoneyPress Up, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, Triangle.Cheat Code EnteringTo enter cheat codes, you have found, just input them on the main menu. (Not where you press start). It's the menu where it has career and challenge series and other stuff.Extra MoneyAt the title screen, press Down, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, Triangle to get an extra $10,000 in Career mode.

If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: This code can only be used once.Special Car "Cardboard Box And Driver" Vinyl UnlockNeed For Speed Carbon Special Logo Vinyl Unlocked; up, up, down, down, down, down, up, squareInfinite Speed BreakerDown, Rigtht, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, square.Unlock All VinylsDown, up, right, left, R1, L1.Need For Speed Carbon VinylPress Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Square at the main menu.Digimon: Digital Monsters Plymouth Hemi CudaEnter: Up, Left, Down, Right(2), Square(2), Circle (2), Triangle, Square, At the Title Screen.Special Car NFS Carbon Logo Vinyl UnlockNeed For Speed Carbon Special Logo Vinyl Unlocked; right, up, down, left, right, squareUnlimited Crew ChangePress Down, Up(2), Right, Left(2), Right, Square at the title screen.Hints, Tips, Tricks, SecretsHow To Get Kenji's Mazda Rx7After beating him in both the city race and the canyon duel.

A set of 6 reward cards will appear, pick the second or third card to get the pink slip to his car. Then when you go back to your safe house his car will be in your garage.Easy MoneyOnce you have completed Career mode, set Samson as your wingman with Neville also in your crew. You can repeat any races you have already completed in which a wingman is used and recieve $750 for each race completed instead of the $500 without. This can also be used on first time races for maximum cash output.Rosewood District?Sometimes, when you hear the dispatcher for the police, you might hear Rosewood District (in Rockport in NFS MW).How To Get Angie's ChargerAfter beating her in both the city race and the canyon duel.

A set of 6 reward cards will appear, pick the first card to get the pink slip to her car. Then when you go back to your safe house her car will be in your garage.

Your welcome!!Getting TerritoryYou only have to win two races in each section of enemy owned territory to take it.Moving FloorAt the car dealership when you are looking at cars if you click R2 to veiw the car the car will stop moving, but the floor will keep moving in a circle around the car.Unlockables & AwardsAUDI Le Mans QuattroTo unlock the AUDI Le Mans Quattro you have to beat Darius in the Canyon Duel.Collectors Edition CarsSuccessfully complete the indicated event(s) in the Challenge Series to unlock the corresponding car:Aston Martin DB9 (Exotic): Defeat Wolf in Boss Battle mode.Dodge Charger RT Classic (Muscle): Defeat the 21st Muscle Car Gang.Jaguar XK 2007 (Exotic): Successfully complete all three Turf War races.Mazda RX7 (Tuner): Defeat Kenji in Boss Battle mode.Nissan 240SX (Tuner): Successfully complete all three Checkpoint challenges.Easier Speedtrap RacesActivate your Blocker/Brawler before the race.

While racing and coming up towards a speed trap, stop your Blocker/Brawler. Your Blocker/Brawler will stop, crash the other car(s), and drastically slow down their time. Remember that the peak Blocker/Brawler moment is just before the speed trap.More MoneyIf you have a previous NFS: Most Wanted (but not the Black Edition) save on your memory card you get a bonus $10,000 when you start a career in career mode.Unlocking Crew MembersYou need a crew to help you out, but you have to do things to get their attention.Sal: Complete 4-6 racesYumi: Defeat KenjiColin: Defeat WolfSampson: Defeat AngieYumi: (Scout) Beat BushidoNikki: (Drafter) Beat all three "gangs"Neville: (Blocker) Start of gameSal: (Scout) Complete 4-6 racesVideo Game Cheat, Tricks, Tutorial and Walktrough PS2 adi nugroho 3 Oktober 2013 05.47mas bro.

ane mau share nih. tolong di publish yah.ada program tukeran link cheat most wanted black ps2 bahasa indonesia menurut ane bagus sih. coba aja agan lihat deh.makasih buat share info dan komen ane di approve.oh ya lupa.ini link info buat tukeran link Hapus Rachel Burr 23 Mei 2014 04.16I used to buy diamonds for this game until a friend told me about the Hay Day Hack from here: Clash of Clans Cheats It really helped me and I hope it will help you too.

It also gave me coins and doubled my experience.Clash of Clans Hack Balas Hapus main 26 Mei 2015 06.29Compressed Password Need For Speed Most Wanted Black Edition Ps2,Game jenis balapan ini memang banyak digandrungi dari berbagai kalangan baik mudah maupun yang tua.Baca juga : Kode Basara 2 Heroes PS2 LengkapSeringkali susahnya tantangan yang harus dihadapi membuat sebagian gamers merasa tidak sabaran dan mencari cara curang bermain NFS Most Wanted Black Edition ini. 2.Back Room (transmission, engine, tires, body kits)Pada menu �press start� tekan: R1, L1, L2, R2, atas, bawah, bawah, atas.3.Bounty: 4.999.999Pada menu �press start� tekan: L1, R1, atas, bawah, atas, bawah, atas, bawah4.Bounty dan Milestons terselesaikanPada menu �press start� tekan: atas, bawah, kiri, kanan, bawah.5.Burger King ChallengePada menu �press start� tekan: atas, bawah, atas, bawah, kiri, kanan, kiri, kanan.6.Castrol Syntec Ford GTPada menu �press start� tekan: kiri, kanan, kiri, kanan, atas, bawah, atas, bawah7.Membuka Ford GTPada menu :press start� tekan: Atas, bawah, atas, bawah, kiri, kanan, kiri, kanan8.Membuka Porsche Cayman:Pada menu �press start� tekan:L1, R1, R1, R1, kanan, kiri, kanan, bawah.9.Membuka Junkman Engine PartPada menu �press start� tekan: Atas, atas, bawah, bawah, kiri, kanan, atas, bawah10.Semua mobil terbukaPada menu �press start� tekan: R1, O ,O,O, R1, R2, L2, L1, atas, bawah, L1, L1, L1.11.Semua Mobil MusuhPada menu �press start� tekan: O ,O, atas ,atas, bawah, atas, L1, R1, atas, bawah.12.Semua permainan terselesaikanPada menu �press start� tekan: kiri, kanan, atas ,atas,atas, bawah ,bawah,bawah,bawah, kiri ,kiri, kanan ,kanan,kanan, atas, bawah.13.Shop Marker(hanya 1x selama career) Pada menu �press start� tekan: atas ,atas, bawah,bawah, kiri, kanan, atas, bawah. Pencarian Terkait:cheat most wanted,cheat most wanted ps2,cheat nfs most wanted,kode most wanted,cheat NFS most wanted ps2,cheat most wanted black edition ps2,cheat most wanted black edition,cheat need for speed most wantedCheat NFS Most Wanted Black Edition PS2

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