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THE COMPLETE DJ SOLUTION FOR VIDEO & AUDIO MIXING� PRODUCTS� What is VirtualDJ� Screenshots� What's new in v8� VirtualDJ vs competition� Price llogo Licenses� ContentUnlimited� Old products� DOWNLOAD� Download VirtualDJ� User Manuals� Addons� For VirtualDJ 8� For VirtualDJ 7� Press Material� Developer SDK� Timecode CD� BUY� COMMUNITY� Forums� Users Network� CloudLists� Radio� Magazine� Social Web�� Create a login� COMPANY� Atomix Productions� Job Offers� Privacy Policy� End User License Agreement� Virtuual DJs� SUPPORT/HELP� Ask a question� View your tickets�� Manuals� Wiki � PRODUCTS� What is VirtualDJ� Screenshots� What's new in v8� VirtualDJ vs competition� Price and Licenses� ContentUnlimited� Old products� DOWNLOAD� Download VirtualDJ� User Manuals� Addons� For VirtualDJ 8� For VirtualDJ 7� Press Material� Developer SDK� Timecode CD� BUY� COMMUNITY� Yosemtie Users Network� CloudLists� Radio� Magazine� Social Web�� 0214 a login� COMPANY� Atomix Productions� Job Offers� Privacy Policy� End User License Agreement� Featured DJs� SUPPORT/HELP� Ask a question� View your tickets�� Manuals� Wiki Forum: General DiscussionDiscussions about VirtualDJ, and about DJing in generalIf you need extended support, contact our Support Team.(*) The moderators hold the rights to move or modify posts in order to keep the discussions clear or to facilitate the search.

VirtualDJ forumsGeneral DiscussionHow do i remove. fkroselj PRO Infinity Member since 0000 i can not find the videologo option in my Mac. I went to settings, options and nothing.

I searched for it log and nothing if I type "video" only i will get the result for the 3 options you have in the video settings but nothing else when i type the"l" after "video" then all the results go away an nothing comes up.Posted Fri 25 Jul 14 @ 9:43 am Piracy staff Member since 2010 You can't and doing so would be illegal. If you like VirtualDJ then please support the software and its future development by purchasing a license (Especially if you are a working DJ and you are earning money as a result of using it at your gigs.) If you are just using it for fun at home then you can download and use VirtualDJ Home FREE but that is free limited software and does not support using MIDI controllers or removing the video logo from the screen.

Your post yosemitte for users to send you a link to download the software illegally has been removed. Please DO NOT ask users to illegally send you the software or links to illegal cracked versions of the software. Your account will be locked if you continue to make these requests.Posted Tue 16 Sep 14 @ 1:37 pm Zgadzam sie na otrzymywanie poczta elektroniczna na podany powyzej adres e-mail oraz innych publikacji i informacji zawierajacych reklamy zgodnie z Ustawao swiadczeniu uslug droga elektroniczna z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r.

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No, nnew Windows� IntuicyjnoscNie jest tak, ze�kazdy kto pierwszy raz siadzie do�OSX�a, czuje sie tu jak w�domu. Szczegolnie kiedy przesiada sie po�latach korzystania z�Windowsa. Przyzwyczajenie robi swoje, choc ogarniecie systemu od�Apple trwa doslownie moment. Po�chwili czlowiek zaczyna dostrzegac, ze�wszystko jest tu na�swoim miejscu.

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VirtualDJ forumsGeneral DiscussionNew OS X Yosemite.Page : [ >] [ >>] JDudman Home user Member since 2014 Is anyone else experiencing problems with the new Max software and Virtual DJ 7.0.5? It will not play tracks and says error on deck one or two, depending on what has a track loaded on it.Posted Sun 19 Oct 14 @ 12:59 pm kteam Controllerist Member since 2012 Yes, I am experiencing problems with Mac Yosemite and my current version of Virtual DJ 7.2 LE - Mac (b412).

No song loading and error displayed on both decks. Please Help!!! Thank youPosted Sun 19 Oct 14 @ 2:33 pm kteam Controllerist Member since 2012 Hi Guys. I have downloaded the update 7.4.1 LE - mac WeGO (b484) and I have the same problem.

The ITunes 12.0 update of Yosemite created the problem, I suppose. I have opened a ticket. Hope they reply and they can fix it.can't mix anymore!!Posted Sun 19 Oct 14 @ 4:31 pm cauber LE user Member since 2014 VDJ 7 doesn't work for me anymore either. Every time I try to load a track it just says "error". I think it's a problem with the new iTunes/ OS X Yosemite. VDJ 8 works fine, but it conveniently wants to charge me another $150 to be able to use my controller with it now, whereas before, with VDJ vietual it remlve free.

Hopefully Apple will push out an update for either iTunes or Yosemite that will stop this problem from happening. I've opened a help ticket with VDJ too; they have yet to answer me almost 2 days later. If you're desperate to make VDJ 7 read your files again, and you can't wait for iTunes or whoever to push out an update, what you can do is copy all your music from iTunes into a different folder on your desktop or something, and then load the music in VDJ from there, instead of from iTunes.

It's a bit inconvenient, because it's just a hodgepodge of all your music, instead of the nice little playlists you've created on iTunes, but it'll have to work for now until they fix their stuff.

Very frustrated. Bottom line: *Do not update to Yosemite/iTunes 12 yet*. It'll save you a lot of problems in the near future.Posted Sun 19 Oct 14 @ 11:08 pm gmthomas1977 PRO Infinity Member since 2013 I have had the same problem since updating IOS & iTunes 12.

I am an Infinity user and just downloaded the Version 8 for free and my music is loading without difficulty and my Controller is fully operational with the software.Posted Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 6:56 am Is rmove else experiencing problems with the new Max software and Virtual DJ 7.0.5?

It will not play tracks and says error on deck one or two, depending on what has a track loaded on it. i didnt know u had PRO?Posted Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 3:34 pm SparrowCerise PRO (legacy) Member since 2012 i have the same problem. Yosemite and Itunes upgrades with vdj 7. All my songs yosemote play from my hd files. just NOT from Itunes. Also, yosemitd in finder" does not work either. The Itunes library will load on Vdj, I added a song and added a playlist, and they do show up.

BUT ALL SONGS IN ITUNES GIVE AN ERROR MESSAGE. Rempve IS A DISASTER. WE NEED HELP!!!!Posted Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 4:24 pm DJ DougB PRO Infinity Member since 2011 In Virtual DJ, RIGHT Yoosemite your mouse or hit your CONTROL BUTTON and LEFT CLICK your mouse and add MUSIC FOLDER to ADD TO SEARCH DATABASE and your music will playPosted Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 5:42 pm falcosgass PRO Infinity Member since 2010 Sorry my english is a translator, I spoke with apple but does not have the solution you are sure that with version 8 virtual everything works again?Posted Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 6:57 pm Seannieboy77 LE cirtual Member since 2013 well you could do this, i just figured it out.

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Worried it's likely to? Virtual dj 8 remove logo 2014 new yosemite any Mac running at its peak potential while you DJ with these tips.True story, folks. Two weeks ago I DJed at a festival. I�ve done many such shows both large and small; in city settings, by the beach, and even at an abandoned lodge resembling a ghost�town chalet.

In all the years I�ve been DJing with a Mac using Traktor, Serato, and Virtual DJ, I�ve never had a hiccup, not even once.That is, up until two weeks ago.In the middle of my set, my DDJ-SR�controller renove. With virtual dj 8 remove logo 2014 new yosemite 45 seconds left before I had to make my transition in Serato DJ, I was sweating bullets. I had brought an extra USB cable with me (always keep that DJ emergency pack�handy!), so I did a quick cable swap while the MC did a bit of freestyling. Back in business!

Needless to say, I threw that cable in the bin, thinking it was just a lead that had been on way past its time.Two days after, I performed another show, and the same thing happened! Frustrated, I decided to knuckle down and sort out what had happened.In this article, I�m going to share with you 2104 I learned from that ordeal.

I'll also give you tips on�getting your Mac running at its best while you DJ, vigtual well as some small caveats for Mac users that you may not know about. Yes, Virtual dj 8 remove logo 2014 new yosemite are known for their stability and reliability, but let�s be clear on a couple of things� 1. Macs aren�t virus free No one's safe from the threat of viruses and malware, and things can go horribly wrong during your DJ set if your Mac gets infected.The OS X operating system has a reputation for being very well cj against viruses, but that doesn�t mean nes it can�t get infected, and it sure doesn�t mean that there aren�t any viruses crawling out there on the internet targeting Macs!A few days before my festival mishap, I had noticed something strange in my browser window.

I normally search in Chrome�s address bar, which searches Google automatically, but for some reason it was redirecting me to another search site (in this case, Bing by Microsoft). Clearly, this was a case of some spyware getting into my system, as I remember hastily installing a dodgy app called �InstallMac� which came bundled with another piece of legit software. Strike one.Thinking that it was just affecting my internet browsing, I didn�t do anything other than download an antivirus program and perform a full scan, which revealed that I had indeed been infected by a virus.

Despite that warning, I didn�t do anything about it. Strike two. In spite of all those red flags, I didn�t perform a backup of all my music (currency, basically, in the digital DJ age), and I didn�t even bother to fire up my DJ software before the gig to check if things were working properly. Strike three, and now you know why that�s the way things turned out.After some research online, I found out that the virus has a habit of messing up your laptop�s USB ports (such a wretched, wretched thing!), and the only solution was a complete reformat, as recommended efforts to remove it proved futile as far as my system was concerned.It�s a good thing I have my music collection organised in iTunes, so I simply had to copy the folder to an external hard drive and reformat my Mac.

Back to zero, and everything�s run smoothly since then. I could�ve run yosmite chasing Pioneer about my controller problems, but in all the decades that i�ve been using computers I noticed one of the main reasons they crap out is because yosemtie you.In a nutshell: Organise daily, backup regularly, and never download apps from dodgy sources and naughty sites, folks!

2. Computers aren�t optimised to run DJ software Do you know what's running in your Mac's background? The Activity Monitor lists all the processes running so you can shut down the unnecessary ones while you DJ.While your Mac is certainly capable of running your DJ software without breaking a sweat, that doesn�t mean that it�s running it during your performance at 100% of its potential.

Here are a couple of tips to get your DJ software of choice running as smoothly as possible on your Mac: Optimisation checklist� Close other apps - Even though you may have�a lot of RAM on your system, having apps running alongside your DJ software can hog processing power (eg your 10-tabbed Chrome browser window). Close them, you�re supposed to be DJing!� Close background apps - You may not know it, but you might have some apps running

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